The Offer Optimizer ensures that applicants receive a single offer to their highest-ranked available school.
This is useful when:
- Applicants can apply to more than 1 school
- Applicants rank their school choices
Note: The Offer Optimizer will only function for Pre-Offer (PO) and Waitlisted (WA) applications. The Offer Optimizer will not function on post-publicized Offered (OF) applications.
1) For each grade level and school that should be processed by the Optimizer, run each grade level's lottery at all of those schools.
2) You can review each grade's Lottery Results if you wish to see how many initial pre-offers were issued.
3) Instead of going to Make Offers, go back to the Lottery Dashboard, and click the green button labeled "Run Offer Optimizer."
4) You will receive an email when the Optimizer is done running. This process will run in the background and might take up to an hour.
5) The Offer Optimizer will keep the student’s highest-ranked offer in Pre Offer status, and change any lower-ranked applications in Pre Offer status to status Cancelled.
6) Then, to make these lottery results public, NOW go to Make Offers, and select all of those Pre Offer students, and in the lower-right corner, click the blue button "Make Lottery Results Public."
7) The pop-up confirmation message will let you determine to "Make Results Public WITH Notifications" or "Make Results Public WITHOUT Notifications."
Visual Example
Here is a spreadsheet example of what a grade-level lottery's results would play out using the Offer Optimizer setting. Review the spreadsheet tabs labeled "Round 1", "Round 2", etc., to review how the Offer Optimizer will finally display the final "RESULT".
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