What is covered in this article?
What are the benefits of running a grade-level lottery online?
Displaying your SchoolMint lottery online is a great way to maintain transparency, operate the same flow for each school/grade level, and deliver lottery results in an efficient way to your prospective families. Your access to the amazing SchoolMint lottery tools remains to guide you to produce your lottery according to your charter authorizer.
What technology do I need to run a virtual lottery?
A few technology items need to be considered as you go through the regular lottery motions but now with an online medium:
- An online streaming option that would allow participants to be on mute, as in a webinar-style format: Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube live stream, etc.;
- A device with a front-facing camera to show the speaker of the event;
- As it is stressed to practice your SchoolMint lottery anyway, please also practice running a lottery with your new virtual setup with your team before the live event.
How do I invite families to our virtual lottery?
Use SchoolMint Communications to alert all of the families with submitted-status applications that your lottery will be run online.
- Filter for just applications in status Submitted from the Application Index > Bulk Action or top header Communications > Send Message;
- Use as many communication variables within the message to make it a personal message to all guardian recipients;
- State the URL and call-in information for families to watch the live lottery: what website to go to; how to connect to the audio, etc.;
- Directly share with families the implications of attending the event;
- Include an email address to contact or phone number to call if the family has questions about the online lottery;
What lottery information do I need to share with families?
Now consider what language/script you want to share with families are you display. The great part of using SchoolMint to run a lottery is that you can simply walk through the motions of running the lottery as the content of the event. Anticipate what a family may be asking as they see the lottery process and include those items in your script.
Some questions/new language to consider for families:
- What does Open Seats mean?
- Is it okay that a grade level as zero Open Seats available? What does that mean for my child's application?
- How long do I have to accept a lottery offer?
Still have questions? Email us at support@schoolmint.com.
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