We found that organizations with several schools and grades spend a lot of time running each individual grade lottery. Given this, SchoolMint created the ability to run numerous lotteries across multiple schools and grades in bulk. This will reduce the amount of time admins spend running lotteries.
What is covered in this article?
How do I use the Bulk Lottery Run tool?
This lottery feature lives under Admissions -> Lottery Dashboard. Only a Super Admin admin role user will be able to see the new "Bulk Lottery" button.
Step 1: Select Schools and Grades
Once in the Bulk Lottery tool, click "Search" to view all of your schools and grades:
This page will display the current Open Seats for each school and grade (be sure to confirm this value is correct before moving forward). It will also display the current Lottery Design assigned to each school and grade (again, be sure to confirm this value is correct before moving forward).
Admins can select the specific schools and grades to run in bulk. Once selected, click the Next button.
Step 2: Review Validation Errors
Once the schools and grades are selected, a validation will run to flag any potential errors in running the lottery. The Validation Errors will be listed for each school and grade, with specific action steps to take. We recommend resolving any validation errors before running the lottery. Admins can then "Re-Run Validations" to see an updated error list.
Once all possible validation errors are resolved, admins can move forward to run the lottery. If validation errors are not resolved (for example, you may in fact want to run the lottery without any open seats), admins can select the "Run Lottery Anyway" radio button to proceed. If not, they can select the "Skip Lottery" radio button to proceed.
Step 3: Bulk Lottery Settings
In this next steps, admins can determine the Placement Order for the Bulk Lottery Run:
Step 5: Confirm and Run
In this step, admins will confirm the Bulk Lottery Execution, Configurations, and Schools/Grades selected.
Note: Once the Bulk Lottery run is initiated, it can not be cancelled. It is very important the Run Bulk Lottery is run only after confirming that you are running it in the right environment (Production = Live, Sandbox = Test) as well as the right settings are selected.
Step 6: Bulk Lottery in Progress
After initiating the Bulk Lottery Run, admins will be taken back to the Lottery Dashboard page where they can track the progress of the lottery run. Please note that the progress bar will only update once you click off of the Lottery Dashboard page and return, or once you refresh the page. Once the Bulk Lottery Run is complete, the admin who initiated the run will receive an email notification.
Step 7: Bulk Lottery Completed
Once the Bulk Lottery is completed, admins will again be able to view the Lottery Dashboard for their schools. Furthermore, they will be able to view the results of the lottery for each school and grade.
Still have questions? Email us at support@schoolmint.com.
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