What is covered in this article?
- How do I access student applications?
- How do I edit an application?
- How do I change the grade or add / change the school a student is applying to?
- How do I change an application priority?
- How do I mark a post-deadline application as eligible for the lottery?
- How do I replace a document upload file?
- How do I add additional schools to an already existing student's application?
How do I access student applications?
As an Admin, you can exercise several actions on behalf of a student within the Student Profile.
- Step 1: To view the Student Profile for a student, you must first find them in the Application Index .
- Step 2: Go into the Application Index tab on the Menu. You can search for a group of students by filtering by Status, Priority, School and Grade.
- Step 3: You can also search for individual students by entering their name in search box:
- Step 4: Click the View button to open up the Student Profile:
- Each Application the Parent has begun or submitted will have its own row on the Student Profile:
How do I edit an Application?
- Step 1: Click on the Application that you wish to edit, and it will expand
- Step 2: Click the “Edit” button. This will allow you to change the information in the student application. (Note, if you wish to edit the parent or student information, you won’t be editing it in the application, but in the parent and student profile at the top of the page):
- Step 3: After making your changes, click the Save Changes button at the top of the application:
- Step 4: Click the Cancel button to revert any accidental changes you have made to an application.
How do I change the grade or add / change the school a student is applying to?
- Step 1: Go to the Student's Profile
- Step 2: Click on the edit button next to listed School or Grade
- Step 3: Pick the new School or Grade > click Done
How do I change an application priority?
- You can manually add or remove priority/preferences an application will receive in the lottery
- Step 1: Click on the Application whose priority you wish to change, and it will expand
- Step 2: At the top of the Application information, select the “pencil” icon next to Priority Status.
- Step 3: Select the correct priority and click “Apply Priority”
How do I mark a post-deadline application as eligible for the lottery?
All applications submitted after your Open Enrollment End Date will be marked as not eligible to be run in your lottery. These post-deadline applications are labeled in SchoolMint as “post-enrollment” or PE. Applications that were submitted before your deadline are labeled “open enrollment” or OE.
PE applications will either be marked to go straight into the waitlist after the lottery (below the students who are run in the lottery), or will remain in “submitted” status if you have informed SchoolMint that you will be running multiple lotteries.
As an Admin, you can manually change this label, allowing certain applications to go into the lottery even if the deadline was missed, or holding others back.
- Step 1: Click on the application > Next to “Application type,” click in the pencil icon:
- Step 2: You will be asked if you want to move the application to “Open Enrollment” (if you are trying to make the application eligible for the lottery) or “Post Enrollment” (if you are trying to make it non-eligible for the lottery). Click on the option provided:
How do I replace a document upload file?
- As an Admin, may replace and save a new soft-copy file within a submitted application
- Step 1: Make sure the desired new document is saved in the file format SchoolMint supports
- Step 2: Locate the student within the Application Index > Click View to go to the Student Profile
- Step 3: Click Edit on the application you want to revise
- Step 4: Scroll to desired File Upload question > Before replacing, View the file currently uploaded.
- Step 5: To replace the current document, click Upload
- Step 6: Locate the file within the saved documents on the device. Click Open to replace the file.
- Step 7: When done uploading a new file, scroll up to the top of the application to click Save Changes to successfully replace the original file upload
How do I add additional schools to an already existing student's application?
- If you are an organization that has multiple schools, you might run into a situation where a student applied to one school, and then later wanted to apply to additional schools - How can Admins add additional schools to a student's application?
- Step 1: Go to the Application Index and find the username for the student's account
- Step 2: Go to Admissions > Create Applications and enter the student's username into the username field
- Step 3: Go through the normal application flow, just like creating a new application, and add/remove schools in the process!
Still have questions? Email us at support@schoolmint.com.
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