One of the remaining items in each enrollment year in SchoolMint is the option to import data into your Student Information System (SIS). SchoolMint currently has a direct integration with SIS vendors PowerSchool, Aeries, Chalkable, and Software Answers. If your SIS type is not one of the vendors with whom SchoolMint has a direct integration, you are welcome to consider a couple of options:
What is covered in this article?
- Option 1: SchoolMint's Default Exports
- Option 2: Creating a custom report through the Report Builder tool
- Option 3: Track the export of a custom report
Option 1: SchoolMint's Default Exports
Throughout your SchoolMint site, there are several tables/indexes that host a default data export of collected data for applications, registration, re-enrollments, and/or general (year-round) packets. This option allows you to generate and manipulate data to import into your SIS.
- Example Locations: Reports > Sibling Applications, Application Index, Admissions > Manage Registrations/Manage Re-Enrollments, etc.
- Data Structure: The content of these exports is a fixed set of data points related to the module.
- Generation: Select records from the variety of locations and use the "Export as CSV/XLS" button to manually generate a fresh export of this data. These exports are available 24/7 for unlimited generation.
- Delivery: The export delivery location will be the Downloads folder your device. You are then welcome to manipulate the data in a spreadsheet program to import into your SIS.
Option 2: Creating a custom report through the Report Builder tool
If the default exports do not meet your data needs or if you wish to automate the delivery to an SFTP server, you can create a custom report of data using the Report Builder tool. Your contract includes an unlimited number of custom reports, incorporating transformations to present your SchoolMint data in a way that is compatible with your SIS.
- Location: The Report Builder tool lives in Reports > Custom Reports and/or Admissions > Generate SIS Export.
- Data Structure: Reports can be built using core data fields as well as custom forms fields. The report types can be specified per application/re-enrollment/student, as well as listing which schools/record status should populate in the report.
- Generation: Manually click the "generate" button to create a fresh data report.
- The export delivery location will be the Downloads folder on your device. You are then welcome to manipulate the data in a spreadsheet program to import into your SIS.
- If you have an SFTP server, SchoolMint can designate the delivery of a custom report to that location. SchoolMint offers guidelines to advise interested parties how to automate the delivery of a custom report.
Option 3: Track the export of a custom report
Once you build a custom report using the Report Builder tool (option 2), you can designate a report to be the official "Export to SIS" file located on the Admissions > Sync to SIS page. On this page, you have the ability to select/track individual students, groups of students or all students to export their data into your SIS.
- Location: Once you build the custom report, use Admissions > Sync to SIS to select records to generate student data in terms of your custom report.
- Generation: Manually click the "Export to SIS" button for the selected records.
- The export delivery location will be the Downloads folder on your device. You are then welcome to manipulate the data in a spreadsheet program to import into your SIS.
- If you have an SFTP server, SchoolMint can designate the delivery of the Export to SIS file to that location.
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